Alpha 1 - This is my first published game. I am happy to have something posted to Itch.io but I must say, it was complicated. I dont really want to persue anything
- What’s working and what I am finding difficult -
- What’s working and what I am finding difficult -
- I have since improved but I would never pursue a carrer in this field. Below is one of the firs screen shorts from a city built car game I was working on. I had trouble getting the car to hit obstacles and for people to move around
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Source: Keith Russell Screenshot I had to change quite a few things, like the car I was using and some of the code wasn't working so I had to get rid of it. Otherwise I have been pretty excited about doing this and will see how well I get on and wether or not It will work out to the standard I want it to.How meeting my targets set in my plan:This was a bit of a confusing part for me because I didn't really have targets to use. I wasnt even sure what kind of game I wanted. I know I wanted a 2D platformer game / sidescrolling game to start off with, but since that was off the table the 3 d game was the only thing left and I had no idea how or what I would do.When starting this, like I said previously, I wanted to do a standard flying game where you fly through hoops. As each day passed by and I was busy in work or busy trying to do other modules that I felt they would take priority over this and quickly learned how wrong I was.I ran into so much trouble and errors while trying to code. The lessons within Unity were terrible in my opinion. I found them annoying, too slow or too fast and just not straight to the point. I discovered that branching off and looking for my own tutorials helped me so much more.
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