Unity Tutorial 02

Image Source: Unity Tutorials

These tutorials are a lot more fun this time round. I am still not a fan of coding but at least it is easier this time. I did have one issue in my last lab though, which was a pain to sort out and took the majority of the lab timeframe to fix.  
    I had previously downloaded Visual Studios to write my code in as it is part of the whole Unity package. My issue with this was that every time I wanted to open my “Player Controller class” It opened my code in Dreamweaver which frustrated me so much because it set me back over an hour. I had to Google some troubleshooting methods to help and eventually got it sorted. I have no idea why it didn’t work to begin with but I am glad it is now working so I can continue these tutorials and get my game in motion.
    As I have already done these tutorials last year and re doing them with a different outlook, I am finding new ideas to do for my game and the plane tutorial is going to help a lot. I still have no Idea what to do or how but it is all a learning curve 
    What I love about these tutorials is that each one takes a few moments to complete and they are also very easy to understand and execute. My only downfall is remembering any code I have to input or just simply understanding what the codes mean. I just try to remember all I can so I don’t waste time trying to understand them because the information just doesn’t stick. It feels like I am cheating if I look up code to make my game or website and feel like I should know al this stuff. It makes me feel bad and sets me back a bit like I am not smart enough. This is a challenge I must get over but it is getting easier. It is something I learn and improve on every day.


  1. What up Keith it looks like you really enjoy working with unity and I can defo tell but for me I am still struglly so bad in trying to remember codes nd there many small problems that always mess up my head that causes me to stress so much that I actually don’t like unity and I am only doing this just to get the work done.


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