Growth Mindset


What is a Growth Mindset? well let me first answer some questions on this topic.

  • Have you heard of Carol Dweck and/or the growth mindset before? how did you learn about it?  
No, I have never heard of Carol or the whole growth mindset before. I applied it throughout my life and understood that you need to work hard for your mind and knowledge to grow. It wasn't until this semester that I knew what it was.
  • How do you see yourself on the spectrum of growth-fixed mindset in your schoolwork? what about other aspects of your life? (for example, if you are an athlete, can you relate to this from a sports perspective? music? traveling? cooking?) 
If I am being honest, it really depends my workload and stress levels. But I have never thought I will never get somewhere without putting work in. I have always believed if you are willing to put the hours in and work hard, well then you can achieve anything. The same applies for going to the gym to get the fitness levels you desire. If you put it into perspective from the eyes of a person who is depressed or anxious, just getting out of bed every morning is a huge challenge. That is before they have to go out into the world to face other challenges. To get out of bed each day to tackle the day is enough to develope some real growth within oneself. Through challenges like this, if you just face the discomfort a little longer and push yourself, you can achieve just about anything you set your mind to.
  • What have you learned about your own learning while you’ve been at OU? what are your biggest challenges as you set about learning new things?
I think the older I get, the more difficult it is for me to retain information and it is a bit harder than it used to be but the outcome is still the same. If I put the time in and apply myself, I WILL progress.
My understanding of Growth mindset is that you must put in the effort and work hard to achieve what you really want or to get where you would like. 

A fixed mindset stays where it is, fixed. Unable to progress because they think it is all about the talent you are born with when in fact, that opposite is the case. Yes, people can be born with the knowledge to soak up information and walk through life, but the majority of people will need to work hard for it. And within doing so they get a sense of achievement and a burst of dopamine which convinces them to continue doing what it is they are doing. 

Your focus changes and the challenge becomes fun and rewarding. If you have a setback, a person with a growth mindset will see it as just a bump or a way how not to do something. And move on to better themselves. 

As a famous quote goes; "Thomas Edison tried and failed nearly 2,000 times to develop the carbonized cotton-thread filament for the incandescent light bulb. And when asked about it, he said "I didn't fail; I found out 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb," but he only needed one way to make it work."  - Ben Gates "National Treasure"

With a mindset like this, you cannot be defeated. This is the ideal mindset to be in when you feel like you will fail. Keep pushing through and learning. Try hard and go after it all with passion. You will get what you work for and reap what you sow.
